I'm always looking for ways to make extra money, and
ChaCha is one of my most recent discoveries.
ChaCha allows users (anyone in the US - try it!) to send a question via text message to 242242 (ChaCha). ChaCha "Guides" are standing by on their PCs, 24/7/365, ready to find the answer.
To become a Guide, you sign up on their site, read some training material, and then complete a series of test searches, which will be evaluated over a period of a couple of days. Once accepted, you can sign in to Guide pretty much whenever you want, for as much time as you want! You can even fill out a profile describing your interests to increase the likelihood of getting questions that you're suited to answer.
Sound too good to be true? Well, honestly, you'd have to spend a LOT of time Guiding to pay your rent. Guides currently start out getting 10 cents per successfully completed question - so if you're speedy and can answer 50 questions an hour, that's only $5! However, incentives abound, from achieving a higher pay rate based on answering a high number of questions over time, or getting bonuses, either randomly awarded, or for completing a certain number of answers in a certain time frame.
All in all, it's not a bad way to make some extra cash - especially if you're watching TV or surfing the Net anyway. I've made enough so far for a tank of gas!