Rich in Spirits

Net worth in the six figures!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's That Time of the Year Again!

Need a few extra bucks? Why not go through your old books and post those that you don't need anymore on

Check it out:

I've been using this site for years. It's pretty simple to get started. You can sell books in any condition. Payments are lumped and distributed twice a month on the 15th and the 30th.

Now is the time to do it since all the college students are getting their books for classes and lots of the smart bargain hunters use to do it! I know I did when I was in college!

So, admit to yourself that you are never going to brush up on your literary theory again and get those pages to someone who needs 'em! I need to do that myself...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

August 06 Totals

3482 - Credit cards (augh!)
8937 - Car
32893 - Student loans

45312 - Total

The credit cards are just almost do-able in 2 months, if I really really stretch and don't have any unexpecteds...and not too much fun either. I'm so close!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's Summer, But I'm Not So Hot...

Well, I'll post the totals in a few days, but August's are really going to be nothing to write home about. This has been a crazy month for expenditures: Eye exam and a new supply of contacts, teeth cleaning (w/no dental insurance, though I do, luckily, have vision coverage), ER visit last month, routine checkup, and my auto inspection, with the few hundred dollars worth of work I needed to do to pass. It's hurtin'!

The good news is that I can't remember the last time I ate out, and spending in general has been way down. I think I will treat myself to a couple of new albums this payday, so I don't go totally bonkers.